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    Sunday, July 06, 2008

    Weekly Weight Report

    I've decided to change the word "loss" to "drop" in honor of a great little shirt I saw a while back. It said "Loosing weight infers that I want to find it again." Since I have no intent whatsoever of "finding" all these excess pounds, I've changed the wording of the weekly report.

    Starting weight (August 2007): 245lbs
    Last Week's Weight: 153lbs
    Current Weight: 145lbs
    Weight Drop: 8lbs
    Total drop to date: 100lbs
    Weight Goal: 135
    Pounds to Loose: 10

    Woohooo! I've hit the 100# drop mark in less than a year, with no conventional dieting techniques whatsoever!

    Starting weight (August 2007): 179lbs
    Final Week's Weight: 137lbs
    Weight Goal: 145, Surpassed by 8lbs on 3/6/08
    Additional Loss: 10lbs, 3/31/08
    Total Loss: 52lbs


    Rebecca said...

    Congratulations on the weight loss. How have you done it??

    TheyDHD said...

    You can search this blog for "weekly weight report" to track my journey, and learn how I've done it. *smile*

    A couple of quick tips: Get rid of the microwave, drink juices. That'll help out a lot on your journey to your desired body shape.