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    Sunday, April 13, 2008

    Weekly Weight Report

    I may be at that plateau I expected at the beginning of my weight loss. Either that, or my recent convalescence has put a near halt to my progress. Either way, as soon as I am feeling better, I plan to step things up a bit and begin some resistance training. I need to firm up a bit from all the weight I've lost so far anyway. *smile*

    Starting weight (August 2007): 245lbs
    Last Week's Weight: 161lbs
    Current Weight: 160lbs
    Weekly Loss: 1lbs
    Total loss to date: 85lbs
    Weight Goal: 135
    Pounds to Loose: 25

    Starting weight (August 2007): 179lbs
    Final Week's Weight: 137lbs
    Weight Goal: 145, Surpassed by 8lbs on 3/6/08
    Additional Loss: 10lbs, 3/31/08
    Total Loss: 52lbs

    1 comment:

    Todd said...

    Here's wishing you continued success on the weight loss and firming up.