Ever So Tweetly

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    Monday, April 07, 2008


    Picnic at the end of the universe was a lot of fun yesterday. So much fun that we met friends we haven't seen in ages, played really hard, and enjoyed chatting so much that we ended up going over to someone house after the evening was over and visiting over tea into the wee hours of the morning.

    It was about 7am when we arrived back at the house, and we ended up sleeping a good part of the day away, which enabled us to miss out on getting everything done we had planned on doing.

    It was so worth it. *smile*

    PATEOTU is a twice-yearly event. The next PATEOTU will be this Fall on October 12. Mark your calendars!

    1 comment:

    Todd said...

    Visiting with friends is always worth it. Wish we could do it more.