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    Tuesday, June 17, 2008

    At The Round Table

    Well, it was called a round table, but it was really just an oblong sort-of deal with four panelists from some of the best and greenest community organizations and businesses in town.

    And I was one of them!

    A couple of months ago, I was approached by an associate of mine from one of the local homeschool groups, who asked me if I'd be interested in speaking and answering questions at her club's green and sustainability round table forum as a representative of the Springfield Metro Freecycle(tm) group.

    I was honored, to say the least, and the big night was last week. I got all gussied up (as one is wont to do for such an occasion), brought my Freecycle(tm) fliers, the tri-fold display board, and my laptop. Well, not much of that was actually used, but since I wasn't sure what they'd want for display or whatnot, I figured it was best to be on the safe side. We ended up just having the fliers handed out to folks, and a magnificent discussion. *smile*

    I've never been in a forum discussion as a panelist before, and it was a great honor to be seated among some of the most active citizens in the area who are pushing Springfield towards sustainability, community togetherness, and a green future.

    I met several people who will be helpful to my goals (and the goals of others I've met). The great thing is that we can help them with their goals as well, and that's what sustainability is; helping one another out for the betterment and closeness of the community, decreasing waste, improving the local economy, and more. With my newfound associates, we will all be able to do more, together, hopefully building a more cohesive and active community, as well as great momentum in Springfield for the green, ecologically sound, sustainability movement.

    For now, I have to go approve the new members of the Freecycle(tm) group, and get ready for bed.

    'Cause team-building is THE way to go. *grin* Here's hoping!

    1 comment:

    Juli said...

    That's wonderful!