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    Monday, March 24, 2008

    Weelky Weight Report

    I can't seem to get enough food these past couple of days. It's either due to the extra stress lately, or the fact that I ran out of juice and haven't been able to get to the store to buy more, so I'm lacking in important vitamins that my body is trying to replace by making me overeat.

    I'm really tired all the time right now, and I'm starting to feel a little depressed. Nothing I can't handle, but now is not the time for me to be feeling run-down, just when I have to pick up the pace.

    Starting weight (August 2007): 245lbs
    Last Week's Weight: 176lbs
    Current Weight: 172lbs
    Weekly Loss: 4lbs
    Total loss to date: 73lbs
    Weight Goal: 135
    Pounds to Loose: 37

    Not extremely excited about this week's weight loss either, but 4lbs is far better than what most doctors tell their patients to expect on a sensible diet, so I shouldn't complain. *smile*

    Starting weight (August 2007): 179lbs
    Last Week's Weight: 137lbs
    First Weight Goal: 145, Surpassed by 8lbs on 3/6/08
    Total Loss: 42lbs

    As for that idea about measuring Keeb and I, the measuring tape I had planned to use has vaporized somewhere in the house. I could blame the kids, but we're doing spring cleaning right now, so in all honesty, it could have been misplaced by any of us.

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