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    Monday, September 17, 2007

    Taking Shape

    Things are starting to come together a bit, at least on the front of getting our things out and off of of that man's property. We dismantled the rooftop garden today, harvested the potatoes, filled the pond-hole, and offered the entire yarden on Freecycle(tm). Seems all of it will be heading out tomorrow as well. *smile* We have a friend scheduled to come help us move the loads tomorrow (there is a van involved), and if I can manage to keep to the exceedingly tight schedule I have set for us, all will be well.

    I took pictures of a lot of things, but I simply do not have the time at the moment to post them, as I must sleep, and sleep well in order to awaken at 7am.


    Todd said...

    Good to hear that you've managed to give away the yarden in time to move.

    TheyDHD said...

    Most of the tomato plants found good homes, several of the plants are coming home with me, and nearly everything else has been cleared out.

    I met some really great new folks too, and that really helped to brighten my day. *smile*