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    Sunday, June 04, 2006

    Several Days...

    Separated and replanted the yucca plants our neighbor gave us last month. They look cute on either side of out porch.

    We found the fish, they weren't dead or missing, they were just hiding under the aquatic plants. *chuckle* Silly us!

    We got another random sprout (4 weeks after planting the seed, 2 weeks after the last sprout from that batch, and 3 weeks after the majority of them sprouted).

    Bought more naturally grown plants for the garden, planned out some actual in-ground planting for this year in our only full-sun spots in the yard.

    Found out that my house is having a zoning meeting, flipped out thinking we were going to be homeless because it was listed on the zoning notice as a "Planned development". Did a bit of research on the net (have I mentioned saving the internet and how much I love the internet lately?) and discovered that the rezoning is for combining parking between two existing buildings so that both buildings can share parking (people in house can park in front of house instead of in back (officially), and maybe planting an evergreen hedge near the road. *sigh* And here I was all worried over nothing. *blush* I'm REALLY glad it was nothing!

    As a treat for us quitting smoking, we went out to Andy's frozen custard. It was Keebler's first time, so he got himself something large (oopsie) and couldn't finish it. Littlebit got a child's size vanilla and gave herself a freezy-headache, and I got my usual in a small which was still too much for me. *laugh* Ladybug had decided to hang out with her biodad after the wedding shower.

    Bought some more pond plants (50% off), algaecide (wrong kind, not all natural, returning it on the 9th or so when I head back up in that direction), wire fencing, hardware cloth & clamps for new rabbit & rat cages we plan to build.

    The rescued car-run-over taro (elephant ear) is doing well, with three plants forming out of the one we found crushed in the parking lot of the local grocery. (front three pots)

    Bought 20 more fish. Put their bag into the water to achieve similar temperature for 15 minutes, 2 died in the process. Treated pond with natural barley to clear it up. A lady at the pet supply store said I needed a filter for the pond. Not sure why I need a filter in a natural pond, when folks've been having ponds for literally ages with no filters, and no problems. *shrug* More research to come later I suppose.

    Did research, discovered how to make natural filter (biological) for less than $30 DIY style instead of paying the minimum $50 that you need to buy one premade. *grin* Learned that what the lady at the pet store was calling a filter is actually a box that water flows through that contains more places to live for the bacteria found naturally in normal, healthy ponds, and isn't much of a filter in the sense that we have come to know them as anyway. Also learned why and how aquaponics works. (it's the whole growing medium acting as a biofilter thing.) Also discovered that the natural barley grass I have has been inoculated with the beneficial bacteria that "eats" the ammonia from the fish waste and turns it into harmless plant food. *grin* It has been over 24 hours now, and we have no more fishy deaths, even if we can't see them we know they are alive in there somewhere. *laugh*

    Bought cheesecloth & milk for making mozzarella cheese sometime when we have a spare moment. Got involved with guerilla gardening, though I suppose that I was already involved considering that I was technically planting the neighbor's yard without the landlord's permission when the building was empty... (not that the landlord cares) *snicker* Now I've moved on to beautifying neglected public flowerpots in the area.

    Ladybug got home from her grandma's where her biodad had dropped her off, and brought a whole load of more sundry crud into the house. (like "We can walk in here, so it needs more clutter on the floor, mom!") Packed up a bunch of goodies to take to the Radish for their yard sale later this month.

    Took Ladybug to the wedding of her friend, and dropped her off. We're going to go pick her (and the camera) up from her biodad's house here in a few minutes after we drop by and grab the goodies for the filter.

    1 comment:

    Anonymous said...

    "We found the fish, they weren't dead or missing, they were just hiding under the aquatic plants. *chuckle*"

    * Well that's good. I was worried you had some very hungry cats around there :-)

    "Did a bit of research on the net (have I mentioned saving the internet and how much I love the internet lately?) and discovered that the rezoning is for combining parking between two existing
    buildings so that both buildings can share parking (people in house can park in front of house instead of in back (officially), and maybe planting an evergreen hedge near the road. *sigh* And here I was all worried over nothing. *blush* I'm REALLY glad it was nothing!"

    * Yeah, I'll just bet that was a relief. -shweh!-

    "As a treat for us quitting smoking, we went out to Andy's frozen custard."

    * Good, you deserve(d) it! Sounds yummy! :-)

    * Sounds like you were certainly busier than I like to be. -grin-
