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    Tuesday, March 04, 2008

    Snow Day!

    We went out to get things done, and got stuck in the snow twice. Lucky for us we have good friends, and there are some great strangers willing to go knee-deep in thick, wet snow just for the sake of helping someone.

    No more driving for us this morning, so we came back home, and aren't going anywhere until the snow melts off a bit. I'm really good with driving in the snow, and even our heavy car wobbled and wibbled down the road. Extremely slippery out there right now. Don't go out unless you absolutely can't avoid it (like an emergency, work is not worth the risk unless you have a 4wd)

    Perfect sledding weather, the snow is fabulous! The snow plows are out in force, and the weather is surprisingly warm with very light winds gently blowing the snow around. If the roads clear later today, who's up for a snow ice cream party and some sledding at Jordan Valley Park?

    We'll bring the natural flavoring syrups!

    [where: 65802]


    Momo Fali said...

    I'm really jealous! We haven't had enough snow to sled this year and today it's going to rain all day. I hate rain.

    Zoe said...

    i hate snow!!! they are calling for a ton more tonight. barf. it's march already!!!!

    Anonymous said...

    Sledding was so much fun and a dream come true for Z who has been wishing for this since we did it last year.
    The snow ice cream was great too!
    and the hot chocolate.
    btw, I like your new pictures!