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    Wednesday, May 31, 2006

    Robin Rescue, Accidental Water Garden, Bread, Slug Trails

    So adorable and regal. Keebler and littlebit fished this little being out of one of the water catchment buckets this afternoon. He is a bit too young to fly properly yet, but he's really trying hard. I took him out of the fishing net he had been rescued with and set him on top of the fence so that he could dry off and be safe from the neighborhood cat at the same time. Of course, he leapt off of the fence, was chased around the yard by Littlebit, and ended up calling for his mother, who heard him and came to his rescue. She's keeping a good eye on him now, and I think the fishy smell of the rain bucket he fell into overpowered the human scent that I put on him when I put him on the fence. We'll check on his wellbeing when we wake up later. I think he'll be just fine. *smile* He reminds me of Marvin, the baby robin I raised when I was a kid.

    I think my appointment called and decided to reschedule again while I was asleep. *sigh* My guess is that she was trying to be nice though, because I had stayed up all night lastnight with Keeb so we could get him into an emergency clinic for his tooth. We ended up setting an appointment with a place that does sliding scale instead, because nobody else would be able to take a person in, even in an emergency visit, sooner than 4 months from now. The appointment is in 2 weeks. How's that for fast emergency treatment? *growl*

    Got some water garden plants from Freecycle(tm) today. (white water lilies and peacock plant) We seem to be gifting back and forth with one family a lot recently. *chuckle* They are great people, and a lot of fun the chat with. I usually wouldn't FC so much with just one family, but they seem to have what I ask for, and they're so nice... I feel a bit awkward getting so much from them. This time, I sent them home with a bit of the mud stew and some little pendants that look like crosses for some of their arts & crafts projects. At least now the plants will provide oxygen for the fish, and the fish will provide food for the plants (fish poo), and things should work much better from now on. *grin* Went outside earlier and checked on the fish, they look very happy and are swimming around the top of the pond now. It WAS going to be a kiddie pool for the girls, I swear it was! *laugh* Sometimes things tend to evolve around here though.. maybe we'll get it to evolve into a piond they can still swim in? In time I suppose anything is possible. *grin*

    Walked to the store tonight and saw the prettiest reflection on a strip of retaining wall. Slug trails. Barely a block from my garden, I wonder if they are ignoring my garden because they have such good homes in this spot, or if the egg shells around the plants are just ample deterrent. Not that I care much why they are leaving my plants alone, I'm quite happy about it. *chuckle* Sure makes a pretty picture anyway. Looked like lace shimmering in the street lights. We picked up the bread from a local bakery at 2am. The bread is meant for the local food banks & shelters, but if it isn't picked up by midnight it is "trash" and won't be picked up and used by anyone. So, at 2am, we got the whole bunch of it. *grin* We have already separated it into parcels for the neighbors and some of our friends who have a really hard time making ends meet. They'll appreciate the free food, and we're making sure it doesn't go to waste. *smile*

    Actually delivered some of the bread earlier. Took a brisk bike ride for a few blocks and darned near killed myself trying to ride the "new" bike that we found for me. The bearings are going out in the front wheel, the brakes scrape the back wheel because it is balanced improperly, the seat is too small and uncomfortable (raised with a Schwinn here, remember, nice seats!) and the chain is rusty so it doesn't shift properly. *sigh* Add to that that I haven't ridden a bike since mine got stolen sometime in the beginning of last summer, and I'm pretty out of shape bike wise. I was panting and wheezing just trying to keep up with Keebler at a steady coasting speed.

    Mom has the girls dumpster diving and spending the night tonight. We're supposed to go play in the fountain at Jordan Valley with a bunch of other homeschoolers tomorrow at 10:30am, but, seeing as how it is past 5am now and I haven't yet been to bed, I'm not sure how that is going to work.

    Eventually I'll get sleep. *laugh*


    Todd said...

    Uh-huh, nice pictures :-) Nice entry too. Thanks for everything. *smile*

    Anonymous said...

    whats up with freecycle? i cant get in or join or anything like that. HELP PLEASE!!


    Anonymous said...

    "She's keeping a good eye on him now, and I think the fishy smell of the rain bucket he fell into
    overpowered the human scent that I put on him when I put him on the fence. We'll check on his wellbeing
    when we wake up later. I think he'll be just fine. *smile*"

    * Good, hope he'll be just fine and dandy and momma will tuck him under her wing :-)

    "We ended up setting an appointment with a place that does sliding scale instead, because nobody else would be able to take a person in, even in an emergency
    visit, sooner than 4 months from now. The appointment is in 2 weeks. How's that for fast emergency treatment? *growl*"

    * FOUR months?! That's ridiculous! I hope he's not in too much pain. Back in '95/96 I had a tooth abscess, and man was it PAINFUL
    :-( Luckily for us, a dentist did take us in and help me out, even though we had never been there before. Luckily, the night before
    when it happened, I found a bottle of wine in the cabinet and used that to fall asleep. I was in tears before I fell asleep though.
    I'll never forgot that day. Hope Keebler can hang in there. *HUGS* to you both.


    Anonymous said...

    Ah Schwinn - before they went big box. More of a Trek girl myself. Though not riding right now. Too tough to breathe with enlargement jammed - literally - into my lungs.
    Am hoping for happier trails later in the summer.
    Good Luck with the robin....
