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    Wednesday, April 05, 2006


    Got a goofy picture of myself lastnight for next week's SPT.

    Walked to the store without getting winded today, so I know my walks are doing me good and I'm getting in better shape slowly but surely.

    Got accosted in the friendliest of manners about "socialization" of my girls because I don't send them to public school. *laugh* That's the least of my worries when the persons "concerned" are random strangers that my kids stopped in the alley behind our house so they could chat with them. (we've seen them around, but didn't know them)

    Achieved a lot more headway with the house, yard, and the things for work. Arranged a sleepover & spelunking trip for Ladybug with her biodad for later this month. Burned some incense in the house so it now smells all yummy. (I do so love incense.) Ate less than usual (not a feat of willpower, I was so busy I forgot to eat for half the day). Smoked a total of only 5 cigarettes while doing all of that. Quitting is going well.

    I'd say today was a good day. *smile*

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